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Beaten pixels on LCD the monitor

Whether it is possible to restore completely working capacity of beaten pixels on LCD the monitor? I do not know, but to try it is possible.
(Translation from Russian)

LCD монитор Hyundai   Today Gala, has wiped house 19" monitor Hyundai (it is represented on a picture) a special damp napkin. In some minutes we have noticed, that on the monitor in an average part of a working surface there was one pixel which burned constantly color of a sea wave. To this monitor about one year, we wiped the monitor napkins of firm Vivanco from time to time, but beaten pixels on him never was.
   On the new monitor at us now money is not present, and to work with a shone point oppositely. Not hoping at all on any positive result, I slightly pressing a surface of the monitor, потёр a nail a place of beaten pixel. About a miracle, pixel has earned, as it is necessary!
   But our pleasure was short, in some hours this pixel has again appeared. After carrying out of the next session of "manipulation" the sick pixel was gone. Whether for a long time? Probably through any time he again will appear. But it is already clear, as with it it is possible to struggle.
   Protect the liquid crystal monitors. Do not wipe their what or damp special napkins needlessly. If on yours LCD the monitor there were beaten pixels, it is possible to try "to massage" a beaten place. But consider, that probability of that the pixel will work as it is necessary, very low, and here probability of that you will spoil the monitor - is very high! So before spending any manipulations with the liquid crystal monitor, think of possible consequences.

Paul Korolyov, 09.10.2007

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